First off I would like to apologize for taking so long
to post another addition to this blog that now appears to have readership in
nine countries.
Sorry Jason but I was wrong when I told you seven.
These countries are Canada , USA , France ,
Russia , Netherlands , Ukraine ,
Japan (thanks Mel), Germany and now Denmark . Please promote and pass
along what you like or dislike about this blog. And I thank you very much. I
value all opinions and comments whether they are positive or negative. So keep
them coming Bobby, or anyone else for that matter. Spread the word.
That said, I was sitting on the patio of a local
restaurant with my beautiful wife and inspiration a couple of days ago. It was
a restaurant that we had wanted to visit for some time and finally we were able
to do so.
I say “able” for the reason that this particular visit
was for my birthday this year. For us to do this last year on my birthday falls
into the unable category. This is to say that we sort of passed over my
birthday as a celebration. For those who do not know, at that time I was very
recently out of my Cancer treatment and not capable of enjoying an afternoon
like this, or any wonderful afternoon, let alone being present and
participating in much of an outdoor function at all.
If you are unaware, you need to read earlier blog
posts that let you know what some of us went through. I have not asked them if
I could reference them regarding this but I call us “The original six”. But I
While sitting on this patio watching cars and
pedestrians pass by on a beautiful sunny day, observing the beauty of the
downtown architecture, being close to the waterfront, in the company of a
beautiful woman, sharing great conversation, and of course drinks, I could not
help but reflect on where we were a year ago and drift off momentarily, or so
much that my wife asked quite frankly “where are you?’. I guess I drifted a
little further than I thought.
It was a combined realization that I could not do this
last year, physically, mentally or any other “lly” for that matter. I know for
a fact that I would not be here to be able to write this blog if it were not
for her support and love. Had It not been for her I don’t know if I could
have braved the road that was before me at that time. It was hell by the way
and well worth it, if for nothing else but to be able to wake up and see her
face every day for the rest of my life.
I am here, I am alive, and I can taste food again
finally. Also, had I not gone through the hell that I did, and many more than
five of my friends did, I would not be here to enjoy the privilege of sitting
and enjoying this beautiful sunny day, eating a lobster wrap, crab dip with
fresh made chips and tequila shrimp with the person that means the absolute
most to me.
And that feeling is good.
Hi Chris, we are so glad that you are doing well, you'll be around for a long time sharing your amazing reads and giving life hell! All the best, love from Abby, Bobby and Khloe :)