Monday, December 31, 2018

A Year In A Life

          I can honestly say, without embellishment, exaggeration, or lie of any kind, that I never thought that I would live this long. Mostly based on medical history, but not eliminating other determining factors, that I will elaborate later, I really should be dead already. And upon reflection, I’m am both surprised, and yet relieved at the same time.

          In my younger years I used to tell people, when they asked why I risked myself doing something, or why I wanted to do something, the answer was usually the same. “What difference does it make? I’ll be dead by the time I’m fifty-five anyway. I may as well have fun”. And not only meant it, but lived it as well.

          The adventures that took place in my youth were of epic proportions. So much so that a few close friends remarked on numerous occasions that I should write a book. Years ago I actually started one, but being my own worst critic, I thought it sounded like a modern Jack Kerouac rip off and never followed up with it after the first few chapters. And those pages have been long lost. Who knows, maybe I’ll start over someday soon. One book at a time. Yes, I have something else in the works and there are certain people, some that are no longer in my life will be rather unhappy. Ahhh, to be a fly on the wall that day.

          I’m not going to go into any great ramblings about all of this right now. Sorry if this leaves you hanging, but there are too many pages of detail that need to be explained to be able to portray the epicness (yes it’s a word, trust me) of what really happened. Maybe I should write a book! Whataya think?

          The list of injuries alone should be some form of insight to the amount of fun that was had. I know that I’ll be forgetting some of them, and like everything else, and as everyone has done multiple times, remember after the fact.

          Remember that this is not in any particular alphabetical, geographical, chronological, nor anatomic order. It’s just me jogging my Swiss cheese memory on New Year’s Eve while drinking a bottle 2016 vintage Tragically Hip, Fully Completely Grand Reserve Red wine. So bear with me. And…no I was not in an accident that caused multiple injuries. These are all independent of each other so check your “holy shit” meter right about now. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

          Cracked ribs (2) right side, broken nose (3 different times), torn right bicep muscle, cracked skull (above left eyebrow) broken rib left side, dislocated left shoulder, blow-out fracture of left orbital bone, broken collar bone, torn left bicep muscle (different time than the right side), 49 total stitches in my face alone (33 at one time), 4 stitches in right eyeball, 3 broken fingers ( at different times), fractured left tibia, stabbed in right shoulder, shot at a few times (never shot), 4 surgeries (at different times for different things), pneumonia twice (separate occasions), and let’s not forget that whole Cancer business just over four and a half years ago just to include everything. Like I said earlier, I know I’m leaving some things out.

I would never trade any of those past experiences for anything in the world. Nor would I ever in my wildest dreams attempt to revisit that life or events. This nostalgic reunion would most definitely have a pine box outcome. I cherish many memories from that long past time in my life, and often smile when reminiscing.

I’m sharing this only because I’m looking back on a bunch of things including this past year. I realize that I have accomplished absolutely nothing in 2018 save my radio show. Other than that, I have quite honestly, floated through the year, and it’s my own damned fault. Sure I had plenty of ideas and opportunity to follow them through, but didn’t. The sad part is that I knew it all along. I knew I was putting things off and yet still accomplished nothing.

So in thinking that I have completely wasted a year of my life I have concluded this. No I’m not going to spew a bunch of resolution bullshit so calm down. I say only this. This coming year will be a lot different. How different is up to me. I have no idea what to expect which leaves it wide open to anything.

For a guy that should be dead already, this is overtime.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Not Impressed

I’ve been having some concerns with the property management company that I rent an apartment from so I decided to send them an email in an attempt to get a response for reasonable resolution to these issues. I submitted this today, so a follow up to this is pending. Ooooh, the suspense is getting thick. I will have to post updates to it as well. No, it won’t take a month. Why do you have to be like that anyway? Yeah, yeah, ok I got it. 

I have to point out that my written correspondence is a shit ton more calm than I was at the time prior to my penning this very well scribed professionalism that I have attached for your enjoyment. Seriously, I was digging out my baseball bat only because I forgot where I put my bullets. A calmer head prevailed.

As an added update, I will be submitting my concerns and a copy of the email to the Rental Tenant Board’s Social Justice Tribunal, for which, I have been informed, that they charge a fee of $60.00. Seriously? Thanks for representing the concerned citizens…for a fee. What do they charge the property companies, if anything, for a retort?

For what it’s worth, here it is. Let me know if you feel that I left something out. enjoy.

“It is with great concern that I submit this letter to your office, and yet feel I am left with no alternative but to do so. There was, originally, to be only one issue that was in need of your attention but since its occurrence, and, up to the time of this writing, another has surfaced which also cannot go without being addressed.

          The first issue is with regard to your maintenance employee J. I do not know his last name and am not concerned about that. One of the problems is that he has let himself into my apartment on two separate occasions that I am aware of, without notification and also without my consent. One of those times was on November 20th in which I had asked him specifically to wait for a few minutes while I finished with loading my laundry into the machine. I would then show him a needed repair that we had previously discussed. He agreed that he would wait. As I exited the laundry room, Jim was exiting my apartment. I pointed out the fact that he agreed to wait and was met with a complete lack of concern. He said that he would look into getting the repair done.

          Upon returning home the next day, I found that he had once again been in my apartment without notification or consent. There had been paint peeled from the ceiling in the designated area with the mess left on my hallway floor. There were supplies left in the doorway that I almost tripped over.

          The most disturbing part about this is the fact that there was evidence left in my apartment that he had been tormenting my dog. This was further verified by the fact that he had been boasting to other tenants to this, and discussing the contents of my apartment. This was brought to my attention in unsolicited conversation. I respectfully request that he not be assigned to ANY repairs pertaining to my unit in the future. He will be denied access.

          I would hope that these are not endearing personal qualities that are promoted within your company and look forward to discussing this further with someone in a position to take action with regards to this.

          As for my second major issue, it is with regard to accessing my unit. I will endeavor to be brief as the previous was longer than expected.

          Within the last ten days I have received four entry notices from your office for the dates of November 21st, 23rd, 27th, and the latest spanning the week of December 3rd to the 7th. A rather come and go as you please kind of situation it seems.

          I had made accommodation for the first three of these notices pertaining to the aforementioned dates, only to be met with no-shows for the lot. Now I am presented with an open access to my unit that includes every day of an entire week? I think not. This a complete lack of concern for the tenants and an egregious privacy violation that will not be permitted. I will, however, allow access to my unit for this notice, only if I am present. To clarify, this means only after I get home from work and I MUST BE PRESENT. I apologize for being rather blunt, but, after your staff member wilfully tormented my dog, and the numerous no-shows from multiple notices, you can accommodate my schedule for this one.

Poor planning on someone else’s part does not constitute an urgency on mine.

I must also remark that our Superintendent F has been the consummate professional and is doing a remarkable job considering he’s been thrown under the bus repeatedly by your company. Good people like him are hard to find.

I thank you in advance for your understanding.”

Other than restraining from the odd expletive, I feel that I did alright on this one. I’m anxious to hear a reply, if there will be any.

Oh yeah, I didn't let them that I was sending a copy to the Rental Board…yet

Monday, October 8, 2018

The List

                   I’ve been looking at things a little bit differently lately. Maybe not completely different, but revisiting a previous thought process of late. You see, there was a time, not so long ago where I was able to re-evaluate my personal circumstance in an effort to figure out what the hell I wanted to do with my life. Yup, I’m there…again. Go figure. It’s like Déjà vu all over again.

Having the ability to do anything you want to, with no real ties to anything or anyone, can be rather liberating. That being said, not knowing what you want to do is like being Royalty in exile. Having all of the drive, ability, and want is excruciating without a direction to go in. I do have options, don’t get me wrong here.

          The last time this happened I found myself becoming a factory trained Harley Davidson Technician. PHD Service certified (Preferred Harley Davidson Service). And, not to toot my own horn too much, I was really good at it. I also enjoyed it immensely. Going back to that would be a major uproot and relocate to a different city. I’m not opposed to that, however, it’s not my first choice. It has been almost seven years since I’ve done that for a living, but I really don’t know if I want to go backwards. Moving forward to new things just feels right. But to what?

          I have eliminated the majority of the toxic people from my life with only a few more to deal with. I’ve also lost some others that meant a lot to me, and yet here I am. Still going strong, so to speak.

          Like a lot of people, I’ve had my fair share of hurdles to overcome these last few years or so. With the whole relationship dissolving, moving to a new residence, just me and the Wonderdog, new job…again, and the whole Cancer thing about four and a half years ago. I didn’t have an epiphany, like some folks seem to, about how things will be different from now on and then throw myself into a bunch of activities. More to the truth, I had a realization of what I didn’t want to put up with anymore. Believe me, that list is extensive. But it’s getting shorter. But also, not easy. A work in progress none the less.

          Lately I seem to be growing stagnant mentally. Like a hamster on a wheel. A ton of effort and activity going on but actually getting nowhere. It really is time for me to stop spinning in place and get on with this.

          I am by no means depressed about this current situation, let me make this very clear. I have just not decided on a direction. I do know that the first things I need to do is sort out a bunch of things that I’ve put off since the move last November. Time to liquidate and downsize. I need to rid myself of some of the things I was keeping in storage because of previous plans. Those plans have changed dramatically and these things are no longer needed. Let the games begin.

          I owe it to my dog to do and be better and a new list has already been started. The Bucket List has five items so far. Stay tuned.

          Wish me luck.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Bike This

          No matter how many notes I scribble, no matter how many reminders I make, no matter how many directions I go, I seem to miss some of the points that I thought were important enough to try to remember. All of that has led me to this point. Are you ready?

          Let me just dive right in head first and say that I’m all for being active, getting exercise, picking your fat ass off of the couch and being mobile. Participaction is what they used to call it where I come from, with Joanne, what’s her face and Hal, not memorable enough to remember. But the point was all about being active and having fun doing it.

          Fast forward to the now reality and take a look at things like cycling, or bicycling, as some call it. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for being active and staying in shape. I even own a bicycle. It’s all a good thing, but...

          Some of you cyclists seem to have forgotten the general rules of the road. No I’m not out on a mission to chastise all people that choose to ride their bike for exercise, but only the militant few that think that the road was made for them. I would like to remind those folks of some forgotten legalities.

          Stop signs matter. Almost sounds like a potential protest rally. If you want to be considered a vehicle, you need to obey the rules. No matter how goofy you think you look, arm signals help. Drivers discern where you are going, duh. You may be well aware of that fact, but the people behind you are not. Do you actually drive your car in that frame of mind? If so, please send me pictures of all of the dents in your vehicle that you have blamed on other people.

          You have an inherent responsibility to NOT be a hazard to traffic. Yes you heard me right. The cars need to be cars and travel along the road. They can easily avoid you when they can, and you can all go about your day.

          When you choose to ride your bike on a major thoroughfare, that is lane reduced due to construction, while you're avoiding the water drainage receptacles (weaving around the sewers), you really don’t seem to have the right to complain about the lack of space you are given, dumbass.

          Just because you can, does not necessarily mean that you should.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Are You For Real?

          It seems that we are now living in an era of the scammer and the con artist. The daily attitude of the general population is becoming more and more based on what we can get away with rather than what we can accomplish. Although I could point fingers at the millennials and the like, but it’s not just the younger members of our society. Although they may very well have started it, and seem to be leading the charge, it’s not just them. This lack of care and concern for other people and other people’s property appears to be being passed UP as I see more and more mature (in age) people adopting this practice. Take advantage, and see if you get caught.

          Do not misread what I’m attempting to say hear. I’m certainly not about to point fingers and blame any particular generation for the escalation in this trend. Although a valid argument could easily be compiled. A lack of significant consequence certainly does play a major role in this as well.

          I guess I’ve noticed this more now that I’m actually looking into something and have found more scams than legitimate information and websites. Here’s the skinny.

I’m looking into having my dog certified as a Therapy Service Dog. You know the kind that you bring for a visit to the sick kid’s hospital old the old age home as a comfort to the people there. There is a required amount of training that the dog and owner must partake in, which is to be expected.

It turns out that there are more scam websites than real ones. All I have to do is pay the cost, around $100.00, and they in return, would mail me the certificate, an ID card to fit in the service dog vest, a wallet card, and a patch. The service Dog vest can be obtained (wait for it) at an extra cost. Why of course it can.

I’m gonna go the legit route. I know that my dog can be of a great assistance to those that need the comfort of a loving animal. And there is no better feeling.

In keeping with the scam artist topic, I wonder if the same sort of thing happens with the handicapped parking permits. Yes, the ones that are displayed in the front window of the vehicle so that the disabled person driving can use the designated spaces reserved for them. Usually the ones conveniently located closest to the entrance way.

I know at times everyone has witnessed a person with one of these permits in their windshield, park their car, step out of their car, and you give them the once over looking to see if they are truly handicapped. You have so. Don’t even try to deny this one. We all look for the cane, the crutch, the limp, the missing appendage, or whatever. Yes you do.

I say this only because I came across, not too long ago, a van parked in the handicapped area. This was not a minivan nor a van with windows. This was a full size contractor van with a ladder on top and the person’s name painted on the side Also painted there were an assortment of tasks the he could perform like dry walling, decks, windows, bathrooms, shingles, and the like. All of this with a handicapped permit in the window.

Now these are all pretty physical jobs to perform even as an able bodied person. Very demanding and sometimes repetitious activities to boot. So my mind went for a stroll and began questioning the application process and eligibility criteria to obtain these types of permits. That’s when the driver returned to his vehicle.

No, I didn’t say anything. However, other than being old, he seemed rather able bodied. No cane, no limp, all appendages intact and stuff. So that’s when I started thinking, and then asked myself.

So what is the handicap here? It must not be physical but mental, because the idiot took up two parking spaces.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Witnessing Kharma

          I had an entirely different subject to write about today, but something occurred late this afternoon that I just couldn’t pass up this opportunity to share it with you while it was still fresh in my mind.

          Whether you want me to or not, I’m going to give you the lead up to what got us to that point in the first place. Don’t know about you guys, but I like to know the details of what is going on. A quality that seems to be lacking with a lot of people these days. But I digress.

          As you may or may not know, my dog Mike and I (Mike The Wonderdog to his following on Facebook), tend to go hiking on a regular basis. On day like today, where the heat and humidity are a factor, we go to the beach where he can cool off with a good swim. I go in the water on occasion but not as often as Mike. He truly is a water dog and fully enjoys every minute of it. I always tell people that if there was a puddle the size of a quarter, he would find it and lay down in it. And he has.

          One of the things Mike also enjoys is a soft serve ice cream cone from McDonald's on a hot day. So after about two hours of swimming and playing at the beach I figured we should run up to the drive thru and get the boy a cone. I tend to not eat McDonald's food for my own digestive reasons, but Mike likes the chicken nuggets and will only eat the fries if there’s ketchup. But today it was all about him, and the only thing I ordered was his cone. Some days it’s all about Mike.

          You may be wondering why I just didn’t go in and get it myself, it would have been quicker, right? He likes the drive thru and peering back into the window at the staff, who always say hi and pet him. He just has to say hello to everyone. Also, people here are moronic when it comes to dogs in cars, even when there is no need to be. But make sure you get it on video and post it online though!

          Back to the story. I pull into the drive thru and it’s one of those multi feeder drive thru thingy’s. You know the ones where there are two lanes to take the orders but then merge into one lane after the menu board and onto the payment window? Yup, one of those. So I order, pull forward to my place in line behind the other merging customer who had obviously ordered before me. I can’t pull ahead very far due to the line not moving very much. First come first served right? That’s usually how it works until you get one of these in a hurry types where other people are just in the way.

I’m on the inside lane waiting to merge and I see, and hear, another vehicle pull up to order in the outside lane. I can’t see them because of the menu board separating the lanes. As soon as he’s finished ordering, he pulls around in front of me and blocks my path. I give the standard gesture of the upturned hands in the air as if to say “what the fuck asshole?” when he gives me the usual head bob meaning “what’s your problem?”. With both vehicles windows rolled down, I said “I was here before you”. To which he replies, “No, I just ordered”. I think I gave him a peculiar look but explained that I had ordered before him and was waiting in line. He then returned comment by stating, “No. Anyways, I don’t care”.  My reply was very clear when I stated, “You go ahead. You’re obviously in a bigger hurry than me Shitforbrains”. He said nothing but stared straight ahead.

          We waited for the line to advance, which took a couple of minutes, before it moved forward. Mr. Knumbnuts just sits there, but doesn’t advance for about twenty seconds. WTF right? He then turns his head towards me and says, “Well, go ahead”. I returned with, “You’re in the way MORON”.  So he proceeded to the first window with what I thought to be a smirk on his face. He paid for his purchase and advanced to the second window to pick up his order. This is where it starts to get good.

I then see an arm reach out the window, and in a smooth sweeping motion, directing him over to the “please wait over there while we fill your order and someone will bring it to you shortly” parking spot of purgatory. I have to admit that a grin may have occupied my face for a second or three. But that’s not even the best part.

So I then proceed to pay, and accept my soft serve cone, and advance to the parking lot where I pull into an out of the way spot so Mike can enjoy his treat. I may have slipped old Knumbnuts a shit eating grin on the way by, but I can’t be sure.

Needless to say, Mike enjoyed his ice cream immensely, as he always does, and was even able to get a little bit on me. How does that even happen? I wasn’t even eating ice cream. I’m not sure how long it took for him to finish it but, after I wiped myself, wiped Mikes mouth, cleaned my hands, checked for drippage on the seats, gathered the garbage, walked over to the receptacle and disposed of the shrapnel, and walked back, guess who was just pulling out of his parking spot to leave with his much awaited order? Yup. He waited that whole time.

I really wanted to wave but held it back and just smiled. He looked at me briefly and then sped out of the parking lot. Ha!

Sometimes it takes care of itself.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

In A Nutshell

I will attempt to get you caught up in as little time as I can. But there is a bunch of stuff I would like to talk about, just to let you know. 
This time I must truly apologize for neglecting my commitment to writing and posting on a regular basis. This time is different. No really. I was pretty busy. Well, maybe not all of the time but, most of the time.  The rest of the time. I guess, motivation was a bit of a factor. The reality version? I just didn’t feel like it. But the majority of the time, I was preoccupied. I am quite aware that I’ve said things like that before but, this time, there really was more of the being busy than the not feeling like it. Indulge me enough to explain.

          I’m enjoying being single again, as I have explained previously. It’s really been since, well, before November but the actual move out happened that month. Lots of changes and not just my location, but job and residence are the major ones. Lifestyle is a big change. Finding the time in a day to get everything done that you want to, is a challenge at best when working 10 to 12 hours a day. My dog Mike will always be my number one priority. I would rather live in my truck than give up my best friend. So between working, making sure Mike gets enough exercise, and everything else that needs to be done within the span of sunrise to sunset, my day is pretty full most of the time. I do, however, very much enjoy the hikes on the trails that we take regularly.

          The radio show is going well. Very well actually. I had some t-shirts and business cards made with the show logo. And yes they are very cool. Just ask anyone that has one. (Blatant Plug) I’m on the air Saturday nights from 7 pm to 10 pm (my time) on 92.1 fm. Yes, you can stream it live. I think that’s why I’ve neglected writing anything for the last number of months. My concentration has been focused on the radio show. And for that I am sorry. But I love it, and for that, I’m not. I program my own show and play what I want. So it boils down to me playing music I love, and broadcasting it to anyone that will listen. I do a live video on Facebook every so often as well. You should check it out.

          I talked to my good friend Jason today. Not just a text or email, but an actual phone conversation. It felt good to hear his voice again after some time. That is something he and I need to do more often, and it really is my fault that we don’t.  

          Life is good, my health is good, and the world, well, it seems to get more fucked up as the days go on. With Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump in control of their respective countries, do you really think that your vote still counts? Vote anyway. If nothing else, it just gives them more data to alter and makes their job harder. I only say this because of the public outcry. If everybody is so pissed off, and is against everything that they stand for, then, well, who voted for them in the first place. Raise your hands proudly. Didn’t think so.

Since when did it become an offence to offend someone? Feelings get hurt? Suck it up. Why is it my problem that you have a problem with something? Deal with it. I’m not your Mom, and no, I won’t clean your room either.

          There is so much more to at least touch on, but that would take many more pages to do so within this short submission. I will endeavor to do better. Not just on this and future writings, but on everything. This I wish is everyone’s goal. It will be, and is, hard for me and for all of you. Do it anyway. Thinking inside of the box that is thrust upon you is way too easy because you are told what to think. I say this. Do not think outside of the box they hand you, but take a stick of dynamite and blow that fucker up. Create your own box and think for yourself. If nothing else, with all the fake crap being reported, do your homework, read the entire article, and just think for yourself.

          Love your life and don’t follow blindly.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

What’s Up Lately

          Wow, how time flies. Things have been crazy to say the least. Let me try and give you the “Coles Notes” version of it all. Where to start seems to be the biggest issue for sure. There’s so much to tell that I’m having a problem with what to put first. I’m at a loss for words…go figure. Who’da thunk it?

          Let’s go backwards, starting with two events that happened at the same time. No kidding. Both at the same time. Geesh. How do you prepare for that? Whether I should buy a lottery ticket or not is still sequestered with the jury, and awaiting a final verdict on that one. I just wish they’d hurry the hell up.

          I feel that I must apologize if you are reading this slower than normal, but I’m writing slower than I usually do for a couple of reasons. I’m celebrating national wine day, and I’m also celebrating my new radio show having its premiere episode broadcast worldwide on the interweb. I have to tell you, if you missed it, then you missed something special. You can, however, stream it live every Saturday night at my time (Kingston, ON) 7 – 10 pm. The Saturday Night Barn Burner 92.1 FM Amherst Island Radio. Tune in if you can. I program my own show and guarantee that you will hear something that you’ve never heard before.

          As for the second item, my new job, I can honestly say that I have no opinion on the matter. It’s one of those “time will tell” kind of situations. Basically, it boils down to whether I was lied to when I was hired or not…Jury? Yeah…I got nothing yet.

          Just to clarify, it’s not the work. I can handle the workload. I expressed parameters of my work day that I could not conform to. Nothing ridiculously stupid, but I do have commitments. Made my deal breakers very clear, and so did they. I was verbally guaranteed that these were never going to be an issue. I had reiterated these deal breakers before them hiring me. My situation has not changed, let’s make this clear. The work dynamic has changed. This will affect things to say the least. Time will tell for sure. Let’s see who’s deal breaker comes first.

          Oh My God. I have my own radio show now. This is the epitome of fun, I swear. I’m on the air every Saturday night from 7 to 10 pm Eastern time on CJAI 92.1 FM. Yes you can stream it live. Just in case you miss it, my show is replayed that same night at 11 pm my time. Super stoked about this whole thing.

          My premier episode was last night (Feb 17/18) and I have to say that I had a blast. If you missed it, you can tune in to the next one. I do this weekly, definitely not weakly, on Saturday nights.
          If you have a band, are in a band, or are a solo artist that has a studio quality CD, please send it to me. I guarantee two things.
1 – I will listen to it
2 – I will do my best to pick at least 1 song to play on air.

          Please include a contact email so I can respond
The Saturday Night Barn Burner 92.1 FM
Amherst Island Radio
