Saturday, May 6, 2017

Unknown Holiday

In my many years to choose from, and I do have plenty of them, I think that this past year is the one to go down as the one that passed the fastest. I also need to note that it seems to also be the year that the most things happened to me within it. It really was a strange year. All of the crap, and the good, that went on with my job(s), life, money, truck, bike (motorcycle), stress level, and my dog. I can’t forget my dog. Did you notice the plural? There were a couple of job changes as well. All for the better, which affects all of the other items in one way or another. Except for my dog.  He’s unconditionally immune to the woes of humanity. Lucky buggar.

It’s been an interesting year for sure but that’s not what I wish to talk about. Another special day in the never ending long list of special days has come and gone once again. Not un-noticed by any means, no. But came and went just the same. Most of you have probably never even heard of this worldwide holiday and don’t even realize that the entire premise of this holiday applies to every single person on this little blue planet of ours. Is the suspense just eating at you yet?

It was International Chris Gaines Day just a couple of days ago. That’s correct. You heard it here first folks. And with the exception of a handful of wonderful people, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, the majority of the world missed it. I mean completely dropped the ball on this one I must say. As if it was just another normal day in a year of seemingly endless days.

And rightfully as it should be, because it means nothing to anyone else. International Chris Gaines Day, as I call it, is a specific day that happens only once a year, and is celebrated by one person. I made it an International holiday so I can celebrate it wherever I happen to be in the world at the time. As I said earlier, only the premise applies to everyone.

Every person on Earth has their own designated International holiday. Did you not know about it? Oh yeah, it’s very real, and most of you have been doing it wrong all this time. You all have one day each year that’s your own, given to you at birth that no one can take away from you. It’s yours to do with as you please.

Employers should be legally bound to happily give you the day off because of that fact. After all, it’s your very own International holiday. If not, book off of work and spend it at your leisure with people you love, doing something special for yourself.

Birthdays are to be celebrated but it’s not always about the party. Ok, sometimes it is, it’s more about doing something special for yourself no matter what that may be. And as long as you enjoy the day doing something you want, who cares? It’s your day. You only get one a year so use it wisely.

For everyone reading this, and everyone not, whether early or belated, Happy Birthday. I truly hope you have a wonderful one.