Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Attention Shoppers

Shopping at the mega box store on the weekend is like playing a full contact sport. Sometimes it feels as though I should be wearing a helmet. At other times it feels like driving bumper cars. Don’t try to pretend you have no idea what I'm talking about. We've all done it and we've all thought the same thing. I just used the bumper cars thing. We all have our own comparisons for these types of special situations.
Sundays seem to be food sample day at this particular store for whatever reason. With a different kind of taste kiosk plugging offerings of a new or improved delicacy at the end of almost every aisle in the entire food area of the store, I could quite literally enjoy a hearty lunch buffet sampling of foods from around the world as I shop. And have.
I find entertainment in the people that occupy these spaces equipped with a small microwave, toaster oven, hot plate or grilling device to warm or under-cook whatever unique edible titbit they have to offer. I always enjoy finding quite the varied range of personalities and levels of enthusiasm to be found here as well. 
When I find a sample sniper that truly enjoys what they are doing it makes me want to stand there and, not only willingly eat their offering but I also seem to unwittingly become engaged in conversation. I had just one of those experiences recently.
Rounding a corner I came upon just such a person. He not only knew everything about the product but he also knew what it goes with, doesn't go with, what to add to it to enhance it and just how remarkable and unlike anything of its kind it truly is. His level of enthusiasm was truly infectious. It was as if he had just discovered the one and only thing in life that everyone in the entire world was missing, and was unable to contain this information any longer for fear of exploding from the pressure build up. It was borderline exhausting. At least it was for my wife. She told me as much and in those words too. “It was borderline exhausting”.
I could not help but also become excited about this encounter as I became privy to stories of his personal experience with the product, which was my favourite portion of the conversation I must say. It almost made me want to buy more than one package, when all of a sudden my wife taps me on the shoulder and gives me that look. This means that it’s time to walk away now.

Expressing my gratitude I carry on with shopping in a rather elevated frame of mind. My wife and I smile at each other as we walk down the next aisle and reflect on just how pleasant that was. We then realize that we will never be able to eat another sample food without thinking of that guy. For the life of me, I don’t remember what it was that I was eating but I will remember him for sure. A job very well done I must say.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Drive

Driving down back country roads between small towns is always an enjoyable experience. The wind, the air and the feel of the sun on your face as you travel without worry and effortlessly though unfamiliar hills and valleys of epic green space that seems to fill all of the senses at the same time. The farms, the fields, the trees, the livestock, the old 60’s and 70’s cars left for dead behind barns and garages. 
Now imagine that experience enhanced by the power of ten. This would mean you are on a touring motorcycle and gliding, no, floating though the curves and hills and feeling at one with the road. Those who know, well, know, and wish this upon you. I personally wish that everyone has the chance to experience this at least once in their lives. But that is an entry unto itself
One thing I always take pleasure in is receiving a friendly wave from a stranger along these journeys. It’s usually a plaid jacketed elder gent who has just happened to stroll to the end of his lane-way to collect his daily mail from a mailbox that resembles something like a tractor or some other item that he has personally crafted in his own workshop. It may not be a tractor but it is something very cool that reflects him or his family in some way.
This is truly a testament to the friendly, welcoming nature of the people from rural areas and it always brightens my mood for the rest of the drive. It also makes me look forward to the next one of these impromptu romps through the countryside. 
There are two important things to remember about drives like this. The first is, always wave back no matter what your mood is at the time. Trust me on this. Just do it. That mood will change for the positive no matter what mood you were in.

Secondly, do not be afraid to be the first to wave. Go ahead and initiate it. See how it feels to be on that end of it. Welcome them into your world and do it happily with a smile. You never know, they may feel as good as you about it. This means that you have just brightened someone else’s day. That always makes me feel pretty good.

Brighter Earlier

Feelings of anticipation are usually measured in degrees or levels of intensity that can only be described using metaphor. The only thing that I'm aware of that cannot be described by comparing it to anything else is the feeling of anticipation I get when I realize that the sun is not setting as early as it used to at the end of the work day. This one has a feeling all to itself.
The Sun is staying brighter later in the day and rises earlier in the morning. A clear revelation that winter is slowly coming to an end. And I do mean slowly. And it’s all because of that damned ground-hog too. I begin to envision having barbecues in the back yard, fishing at the lake, coolers filled with “beverages”, road trips or hikes in the woods, camping trips and summer vacations that I've been planning, all the while tolerating the past cold months that seem be hanging on a lot longer than necessary.
My spirits are always brightened as I no longer venture to and from my place of employment in darkness. It doesn't happen overnight but it does happen at a gradual pace that extends my feeling of elation a little bit more each day. This anticipation of summer fun is almost its own season within the seasons. As the weather still varies in and out of its frozen state the days slowly brighten as do my spirits right along with it. The bounce gradually returns to my step.

People’s attitudes change noticeably as thoughts and conversations shift from dull and dreary to bright and up-beat. The anticipation of warmer weather and outdoor activities is infectious. Passing along this enlightened mood to someone else would be a welcome epidemic any doctor would agree with.