Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Everyone at some point or time in their life has had a “Holy Shit” moment of one kind or another. Possibly many. I mean the kind of experience that truly is worthy of a “Holy Shit” and not just an afterthought. The type of experience when you unknowingly expel the words aloud. Not just a passing thought in your head kind of “holy shit” type of experience either. It’s so much of a shock and surprise that the “HOLY SHIT” words are blurted so quickly that you slap your palm across your mouth and nervously scan the proximity for offended earshot recipients and/or other like-minded mouth palm slappers. Your findings are your own. What happens in….yeah, yeah, stays in the blah blah blah, you know the rest.

Most of the time, but not always, it’s not the event that becomes so memorable but the people that you experience within said event that make it so.
Not to detract from the original occurrence, but to expand upon it. No matter how trained or untrained your eye may be, the original event is still the true” Holy Shit” here. After all it was the cause of the entire, for lack of a better word, scene, incident, blessing, necessity, horror, misfortune, success, fluke, or haphazard that caused it all to begin with. I’ll stop now before this gets out of hand. Feel free to add your own antonym, synonym, or even an expletive that you may deem fitting.

No really. Add your own. Do it. I dare you. Either post them in the comment section or voice them aloud for all within earshot to hear. Then try to explain to the earshot recipients why you are doing so using only one sentence, no matter how long it becomes. Then post that.

Getting back to the point, we’ve all had these kind of, whelming experiences that tend to cause us to react in an unexpected, involuntary, and reactionary fashion. They are a shock and surprise to say the least but are far from being over-whelming. See what I did there? Smooth right?

Well I had one of these kinds of things, phenomenon, circumstance, episodes, matters, goings-on, milestones, scenes happen to me lately. And if I didn’t spend so much time building up, explaining, clarifying, rendering, illustrating, explicating, manifesting, and resolving things I could have spent a bit more time actually telling you about it.

I will soon. I promise. I really did a “HOLY SHIT” out loud. Honest.

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