calming measures, or so they call them here, are just fat speed bumps that are
becoming more and more popular as the number of vehicles on the road grows.
They’re placed anywhere that is affected by heavy a traffic flow in residential
areas mostly, yet they seem to have become more of a game to the motorists in
which they are intended.
rather minor inconveniences are set in place to slow the vehicles in those
designated areas for the safety of other motorists, pedestrians alike and children
playing even. Go figure. Like the yellow
sign with the kid chasing a ball into the street wasn’t enough. Where the hell
was that kids parents anyway? And who the hell was he to merit his own sign?
You would think that if it was a horrific story it would be one that our
parents told us in order to scare us away from chasing balls into the street
and have that sign become an omen. “Oh my God, don’t be like (let’s call him
Jimmy Stark for no apparent reason) that Jimmy Stark boy. He was horribly crippled
and maimed (things were never fatal then) when he was hit by three cars at the
same time when he ran out into the street chasing after a ball his dog threw
out there for him. The dog was ok though”.
of these types of stories sounded like the base classic that everyone has heard
from their parents. At least anyone
within a reasonable proximity of my age has heard more than just a few times.
It goes something like this.
“When I was your age we walked ten miles to school
in the morning and ten miles back home again, up hill both ways, in a snow
storm without a hat, mittens, or winter boots. We just added extra cardboard to
our sneakers”.
I don’t think I’m far off for anybody here. Feel free to add
anything I may have missed.
seem to have drifted a wee bit. Sorry. Let’s regroup shall we?
are plenty of these fat speed bumps in my neighbourhood and for the most part
they do their intended job rather well. The comical part of this is the people
that drive over them at the normal speed limit or faster, without slowing, seem to be completely surprised with this all too obvious yet unexpected
outcome. I can see it in their wide eyed expression as they drive past.
of these so called traffic calming measures is not far from where we live at a
corner intersection. Just down the road and around the corner, literally.
Coming up to the stop sign you must either turn left or right, there is no
straight through traffic. The cars coming from the left and right have the
right of way and no stop sign. While waiting at the stop waiting to turn you
can see the bump in the road not 50 feet from you on the left. I hope this
gives you the mental image I’m going for here.
cars would slow down for the bump giving you plenty of time to make the right
turn into traffic without disruption to the flow. But every once in a while you
will come across an individual who doesn’t want you to pull out in front of
them, so instead of slowing down, they actually speed up a little to ensure
their rightful place in flow and “BAM”, their car is launched over the speed
bump with enough force to make you almost feel the impact from within your own
vehicle. The look of surprised terror on their face always makes me shake my
head and grin, thinking, that poor car. What other unsuspecting abuses have you
been put through in the course of you soon to be short existence?
it just me or do people fuck with you more in traffic these days? They seem to
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