Friday, July 31, 2015

Gone To The Dogs

          I feel a need to make something very, very clear before I rip people a new one about this newest old topic brought about by assholes leaving their dogs in hot cars, and especially by the want -to-be famous (wanna-be’s) who do nothing but wander the depths of the internet aimlessly in search for an opportunity to inflict themselves upon an unsuspecting public.  Not so new of a topic but you would think that it had never happened before today. Did nobody ever have a dog before? (Notice that I didn’t say “owned”?) Are windows closing on cars an option now? Holy crap, when did this happen? Did the sun all of a sudden become hot in the summer?  You had not noticed due to the fact that the hermetically sealed home you live in has central air you say?

I’m speaking to everyone, but also would like to especially target all of the bandwagon jumpers, self-proclaimed protectors of humanity, uninformed idiots out there who want to look like a hero on Facebook  for about a minute and a half because they have nothing better to do than sit in front of their computer, wearing unwashed Sponge Bob pajama pants while lying in wait for an opportunity to chime in on the latest topic of the day, pretending to know exactly what they’re (not “there”) talking about without researching the slightest hint of detail regarding any topic. (I did that all in one breath too) This would include NOT reading the entire article or watching the full video regarding said topic. They seem to still feel the need to infect their tiny bubble of the internet with thoughtless drivel based on no significant fact whatsoever, other than what might be printed upon the snack bag they happen to have spilled crumbs in their own lap from. This shit is getting out of hand people and rendering humanity in an increasing danger of a lower score on the evolutionary scale. For those who don’t get it, this means your stupidity is bringing the class average down and makes us all look stupid, so knock it off.

So here is my clarification that I promised you earlier.  I have a dog, am a dog lover, a dog person, a dog rescuer. Fill in your own dog thing here. My dog is my buddy for life. That will never change. I would do anything for my buddy. He is more a part of my family than most members my family, yet I do not fall into the category of “Daddy”. Nor does my wife fall under “Mommy”. He is my friend to the end and we are equals. Even though I’m the alpha, he is my friend. He is my guy, my companion, my friend for life. We do just about everything together. We plan events around whether he can attend or not. I’m his guy too, willingly. I feel that I need to make this epically clear before I let any of you know exactly how much you people piss me off when you try to tell me what’s good or bad for my dog. That’s right, my dog. The one you have never met nor know anything about. He is not my surrogate child, he is my closest friend. And will always be prioritized in that way, aside from my wife that is.

We all know that these self-proclaimed experts are morons and have never read the entire article, done any research, or watched the full video all the way to the end before forming an opinion when all of a sudden some overwhelming need to broadcast that said opinion becomes so acute that they are incapable of supressing it from the equally uninformed and unsuspecting yet somehow sympathetic masses of Crackbook. Most of them don’t even own a dog, nor seem to project the air of any form of Rhodes Scholar on the topic of the day. And I do mean topic of the day. Guaranteed there will be an equally passionate opinion regarding something as insignificant as onion soup tomorrow if that is what’s “trending” at that time. These are the shitheads that piss me off.

Speaking of onion soup, I have perfected my recipe and will share it with you all in a future blog. It is absolutely fabulous. But I digress.
There are two stories that have recently received an enormous amount of unneeded attention lately that make me almost want to produce my own video rebuttal. I still may so remain prepared. Keep those seatbelts fastened and arms inside the car because it’s coming.

One gentleman had left his dog in his vehicle with the windows and doors shut for a period of time. If it was known how long, it certainly was not mentioned. People were more than up in arms. Someone even went as far as to post a notice for all ye concerned citizen to look out for this specific vehicle and dog owner. This person is evil, evil I tell you. The article goes on to say that this ruthless person was not confronted by anyone, including police, due to the fact that it had only been a total of a couple of minutes at most that the dog was left alone.

 Oh yeah, I forgot the best part. This main fact is what everyone seemed to ignore is the best part. The vehicle was left running with the air conditioner on so the dog would not be in any discomfort. So be on the lookout for this callas individual. We need to keep people like this off of the street, or at least prevent them from owning dogs. Who’s with me?

The second story was about a person who left his dog in his car while tending to something that seemed to take a bit longer than a few minutes. He had left his pet in his vehicle with the windows rolled down halfway. Also the detachable roof was removed and the dog was provided accessible fresh water if the need for it arose. The ambient temperature inside the vehicle was no more extreme that it would be if the dog was outside. This pet even had a shaded area to comfortably occupy itself. Yet someone without a life decided that they needed to be noticed for something, flagged down a police officer, because phone calls to police are recorded so why phone, right? It was the police officer that decided to extract this poor un- distressed and hydrated animal from the security of a familiar space. The news story on the television actually stated that the dog was in no danger but was removed anyway. How completely ridiculous is that? Who was it that felt the need to have their face and comments noticed? Those questions should be posed to the attending officer. The person who allowed this to be broadcast should have their authority revoked. Was it a slow news day dumb ass?

I am all for rescuing dogs in distress if they are locked in a hot car. There is nothing that will stop me from saving that poor animal’s life and remove it from a detrimental situation. The situation needs to be assessed prior to action being taken. It’s the fucking brainless idiots, including law enforcement officers, who propel themselves blindly towards a vehicle with a dog in the back seat even though there is no issue for concern, or even though the dog is in no distressful situation whatsoever. It’s only a matter of time before someone gets bitten by one of these poor dogs that is not in need of desperate help, and feels the need to protect what is rightfully his territory. Then it’s the dog fault right?

There always seems to be a so called friend with a video camera or smart phone filming this latest episode. This in itself is proof that it is only for personal gain and not to perform any type of unselfish humanitarian act. Yet their so called unselfish act is broadcast immediately. I can almost see them huddled around the smart phone and giggling about how many “likes” they are getting so quickly.

How novel of an idea. You only saw someone else do it on the internet yesterday. How original. Maybe the entire internet won’t notice it really wasn’t your idea to begin with. But who cares. Look at all of the comments you’re (your) getting right? Grow a brain of your own for a change.

An infrared thermometer is a surface temperature tool – period. 

It does not measure air or ambient temperature.

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