Monday, November 24, 2014

Indestructible? I Think Not

A very bold statement to have emblazoned on product packaging, right next to the “as seen on TV” logo, is “Indestructible”. This is a very bold statement indeed. It almost sounds like a challenge really. Indestructible? I don’t think so. How can they make this claim? This still means what I think it does right? What sort of rigorous testing transpired in grave effort to reach this world renowned indestructible status?
Visions flash through my mind with the thoughts of gorillas flinging luggage around the zoo enclosure, crash test dummies in cars being rammed into concrete walls, monster trucks driving over school buses, heavy machinery toppling trees with ease.
So I pick up the item to read the package in effort to find any form of justification for this ridiculous claim. And finding nothing but pictures and listed features on how this remarkable product will make all things related in my life much easier to deal with. How did we ever live without it before? And all of this can be yours for only $14.98?
Replacing the item on the rack I advance my position in the multi-feeder mouse maze to the express check out that many super stores are now implementing. Realizing that I am being navigated through a strategically placed barrage of impulse items while I patiently wait my turn, my mind returns to the stamped aluminum folding wallet that is indestructible. Yes, it’s a wallet. Not just any wallet, an indestructible aluminum one. And only $14.98 at that.
“I bet I could destroy it by driving over it with my pick-up truck” is my next thought, and I debate mentally over whether it’s worth spending the $14.98 just to find out. I have inadvertently stated this out loud and receive “that look” from my wife that makes purchasing it just to run it over a silly idea.
Now with our purchases made and returning to our vehicle I look over at my wife and state aloud, “I could soooo crush that with my truck”. There’s that look again. Silently we complete the walk to the truck, make eye contact climbing in and we both begin laughing out loud at the thought of it all.

Indestructible? The world may never know for sure.

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