Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Unexplainable Pain Explained – Part 1

I have always had a rather noticeably high tolerance to pain. Throughout my so called growing years I played a variety of full contact sports and had my fair share of injuries because of it. But, as I grew older, not all of my injuries were sports related.
Let’s just say that I was a bit of an asshole and some of it was self inflicted, or at least caused by me, due to an influence that may or may not have been inflicted by a substance…or two…sometimes three…at a time. But that’s not the point here.
Just to give an example or two, of injury not substance, I vividly remember playing football in my youth as an offensive lineman and taking a direct helmet hit to the chest. I broke two ribs. Sure I had a bit of trouble breathing, but got patched up on the sidelines and went back into the game.
Actually they wrapped a piece of foam around my ribs and just taped it really tight and I was good to go. Try pulling that off with the parents today coach. Yeah it’s what you did then. Suck it up princess.
How about the time in my adult years when I was playing softball for a bar sponsored team. Raise your hand if you can relate. Just about everybody who has played a sport as an adult has at one time or another been sponsored by a bar or aspired to be sponsored by a bar. Après game beers. You did so.
Anyway, while playing first base for my provincial championship team, which I must say I was pretty awesome at, I took a line drive in the inside of my shin. Which any ball player will tell you that you need to put your body in front of the ball as well as your glove so that the ball does not get past you even if it gets past your glove.
Well it got past my glove. Needless to say that my leg got there faster than my hand and the impact caused not just muscle bruising but damage to the membrane that is between the muscle and the bone. Oh yeah, I failed to mention the hairline fracture to my shin bone or Tibia as doctors like to call it. I went to work the next day.
I was not trying to impress anyone or prove anything. I had bills to pay and that’s what you did, you continued to earn a living, and should do, but people don’t anymore.
But let’s get to the real topic here. All of this explanation was an attempt to give perspective to the topic. I have a rather high pain tolerance. Or so I thought until now.
Anyone close to me knows what I went though for my Cancer treatment. I have met some fantastic people because of it and many of them experienced what I did and much, much more. I am the fortunate one of what I call “the original six”. No I won’t tell you the names, they know who they are.
Without going into complete detail and doing some finger pointing, let’s just say that I found out who my friends really are and which of my family members showed their true colours.
I had two surgeries prior to my doing any form of Chemotherapy or Radiation treatment. The first surgery was to remove the source Cancer from my throat which the doctor called a Tonsillectomy plus. This really meant that he removed my tonsils and excavated a portion of my throat to ensure that the source Cancer was removed.
 The 31 Rounds of Chemotherapy and the 35 Radiation treatments that happened over the course of 7 weeks, yes I was pounded with both treatments daily, was to eliminate the secondary tumor in my neck that they could not remove surgically due to the location, which was wrapped around my jugular vein and 4 centimeters long.
Now this took longer than I wanted getting to the point and I feel I should cut this into two parts.
The second part will contain the after surgery effects and the lack of swallowing ability as well as a rather descriptive attempt at portraying the experience of intense pain.
To be continued.

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