Once upon a time seems
a fitting opening for this time of year, being Christmas and all.. But let me
render a story that is not full of all of the sparkles, glitter, snowflakes,
and tinsel type of forced happy, good jolly feelings of the season.
I should let you know that I was once a really big
fan of this time of year. A really big fan. When my daughters were little, I was
all in. The Christmas tree didn’t go up until they went to bed on Christmas
Eve. There were decorations throughout the house of course, but no tree. Once
they were in bed, I would go out and get a real tree, bring it home and
decorate it completely. Presents would be placed under it with all of the love
and magic as if Santa had been there to do it himself. My twin girls would then
wake up to a room that appeared as though a Christmas bomb had exploded
overnight. Seeing their faces filled with the wonderment of the season was more
than worth the all night effort it took to pull it off.
Fast forward to today. My girls are grown and have
families of their own. Over the years, that enthusiasm in me has faded due to
family circumstance and unwarranted involvement unfortunately. Over time, I have
become less interested and excited about the entire concept.
Please do not misunderstand this as my being a
Scrooge about this time of year. I truly enjoy this festive season with all of
the lights and decorations. They are wondrous to observe with a tremendous
amount of effort taken to make them so. I am always amazed at some of the light
displays at some of the houses. It really does make the experience much better.
Thank you to the ones who go out of their way to fill their homes with such Christmas
spirit. Thank you.
That being said, I have had my personal spirit diminished
to the point of non-participation. Let me explain. I love the decorations,
appreciate the effort it takes to create the atmosphere, yet have no desire to put
in the work. No, I’m not just lazy. I just don’t care to put in the effort. It
has taken quite a bit of time but that kind of excitement has been drained from
me. And that is unfortunate. I miss it dearly.
This time of year has turned into the most hypocritical
time of the entire year. Peace, love and good happiness type of stuff go out
the window if people are in a hurry. And they always are. It’s every man for
himself without regard for anyone but themselves. Insert fake smile and concern
here. What have we become?
But I digress.
People that reach out to you with their Christmas
greetings and wishes are amazing. These are your friends. These are the
greatest people in your life. Hold them close.
The drunken ex-girlfriend that leaves a voicemail telling
you that she still misses you is a sign. And that sign comes with its own
There is a reason that she is an ex-girlfriend.
It’s like the time when I had Cancer. I can reflect
on that time. Not a good time. And at no time have I ever said to myself. “ Gee,
I miss that Cancer. I wish that I had it back so I could go through all of that
hell again”.
Or even the brain surgery. Why would I want to do
that to myself? Why would they think that I’m stupid enough? Sure I’ve had a
couple of drinks, but not enough for that lol.
That’s enough for today.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and good fortune in
the New Year.
Discover what you don’t want to put up with anymore
and do something to change that.
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