Saturday, December 9, 2017

Motivation / Inspiration

          Chicken is in the oven so I figured I’d pen a few words, if that’s ok with yawl. Also, I have had little to no motivation to post anything worth your time and for that I am sorry. So here it is.

          It has been some time since my last posting, and I have to say a very heartfelt sorry for the longevity of time between offerings. It has been an unusual number of months to say the least. I won’t bore you with all of the gory details but will give you the “Cole’s Notes” version of the goings on.

          Starting with the recent changes, and there are a plenty, I now live alone. Found my own abode. Well, not exactly alone, just me and my dog Mike. Mike is my reason, my inspiration, my meaning. Yes, the world does revolve around my dog. Mike The Wonderdog to be exact. He has his own Facebook page. But I digress.

          The “move”, itself, happened just over a month ago. It was a long time coming, and I am feeling pretty good about the entire thing. I was about to call it an episode, but then realised that that was just a bit extreme. Episode implies a series of dramatic, reoccurring events, with twists and turns, and plot changes, which lead down a path to a conclusion that you weren’t expecting. Like on television. Well it’s nothing like that…at all. This conclusion was expected and seen from at least a mile away, if you were looking. And I was.

          Back to me.

          I feel that I need to make this very clear, if only for the sake of the activists and or snowflakes that know absolutely nothing about my dog, Mike has suffered no ill effects, anxiety, or adjustment issues, other than the first two days, he barked a couple of times when I left for work. He missed nothing and nobody that was not integral to him, and we have endeavoured for that two day period, and continue to do so, as normal. He is the best dog ever. He loves everyone, other dogs, and life in general. That said. If I'm not home, do not attempt to enter my apartment. You will get a face full off dog. Protective mode engaged.

          A weight seems to have been lifted from my stress level. Not only do I feel much better about myself, nor I am more active, I am eating healthier, am creatively cooking more, and have lost a ton of weight. Two pant sizes to be exact. My ass looks amazing by the way. Sorry, not posting selfies at this time lol.

          Let me preface this by reminding a few of you, and the rest of you, to look back at my previous entries. I lost a ton of weight when I was sick three and a half years ago. I lost a bunch of weight, including a ton of muscle mass in a very short period of time. I dropped from a 40 inch waistline to below 34 within 2 months. I refused to buy anything smaller even though this was the second time buying smaller clothes. The 34s became baggy. For the first time since I was 23, I weighed less than 200 pounds. After all of the loss and the work to gain weight, I was wearing my 38s for the longest time. My 34s now fit me perfectly. My Cancer pants fit, but properly now. My ass still looks great by the way.

          I’m not looking for this to be a reminder or reflection on all of the crap surrounding my Cancer stuff. Not at all. I drifted off, and we’re good. All is good.

          This is all good stuff. I have a ton more to tell you all about but I’m going to save it for another entry. Spring will happen and will be amazing.

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