Monday, November 21, 2016


Peculiar how time flies when you’re not paying attention. Or caring for that matter. That seems more to the point. Not caring. Truer to the point would be complete lack of motivation.

Those that are readers of my occasional drivel are not going to believe me if I tell you that I’ve been too busy. You already know that’s not the case. From previous posts, and, well, my life is not that full. Its lack of motivation is this case. Complete and utter.

Not that there has been a lack of subjects or topics to write about, on the contrary. I have noted a plethora of experiences in my notebook to opine about but, just have not felt the desire. Until lately.

Funny how a job can suck the life completely from you. I mean suck the life out of you to the point where you notice a change in yourself. Blame can be pointed at the company, at coworkers, at the job, at the weather, or at anything else you may dislike at any given moment. I had such a job, but no more. Thank God. Did I mention the part about being paroled? Oh wait, keep reading.

I do blame the job for one thing. That is sucking the life out of me. I blame myself even more for the fact that I allowed it to happen. Which means that I became complacent in an unhealthy situation, and it affected me to the point where I did not like the person I became.

That has been changed, and I feel as though I’ve been paroled. No shit. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about so hold off on your bullshit email comments on that fact.

Funny how something as insignificant as a job change can make one of the biggest differences in your life. Just the sheer lack of stress alone makes for a better sleep at night. Creative thoughts begin to flow again. I realize now that a pay cut in order to retain my sanity was the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. There is a hell of a lot more to life than money. Really.

All I can impart right now, is the fact that I am sleeping better, feeling better, doing better, and working better than I have in some time. A long time overdue.
I’m tired of working at a job just to survive, for a company that doesn’t deserve my efforts or loyalty. Too many times I’ve regretted having to go to work in the morning. I don’t anymore. And I encourage all those who dislike their careers to find something they enjoy, and pursue it wholeheartedly.  If it isn’t out there, create it. You will not regret your efforts. But efforts it will take.

The world is too full of sheep, content on punching a clock for the sake of a paycheck. You do have a choice. But it’s yours for the taking.

I’m not sorry for taking too long to post a new article. Actually, I’m disappointed with myself that it took so long. But I’m not sorry, lol.

Thanks for waiting.

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