Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Look Who’s Talking?

          Looking back from here it seems like a long time ago. In fact it’s only been a little over a year and a half. Not long at all, yet so far away. A lot has happened in that short period of time I must say, and never a bad moment. Well, that might be a little exaggeration from the truth but it has been a great ride as far as I can tell up to now anyway.

          I remember the day we met as if it were yesterday. To me it feels like it was, and still is, as if we had been friends all our lives. And if you believe that I have a bridge for sale that you might be interested in.

          The fact is, that we weren’t sure what to think of each other right from the initial meeting. I mean, we sized each other up at the beginning to get a feel for one other, but it was the confirmation of the final decision that made it all seem to be the right move at the time. Cliché’? Let me explain.

           I knew right from the get go that we didn’t quite see eye to eye. There was even a growl or two involved at the initial meeting which lingered to the trial walk on the leash. That did not go too well. A bit more growling and uncertainty which is to be expected with an unexpected situation looming overhead. It’s all very confusing with the whole not knowing “what’s next” kind of business.

          For lack of a better term, “the wife” was the deciding factor. For her it was something to behold. The exchange of seemingly understood facial expressions became almost indescribable if not unfathomable yet wonderful for a first encounter type of experience. It was uncanny to say the least. An instant connection if you believe in that sort of thing. I didn’t until I was in the thick of it, and was in awe. I just sat there looking with the wonder of what was next.

Remember all of that growling that was mentioned earlier during the initial meeting? Yeah, well, that was not a problem once we all got into the truck to go home. There was an elation, as a matter of fact. A realization really. This was the new direction, this was the new addition, and all of that other crap is going to be left behind. This is a good day, a happy day worthy of the excitement that was felt by all involved. 

At least all that were in the truck felt it anyway so stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Venting

I feel the need to vent on this particular topic so please bear with me. I don’t think that I have ever vented before so this may be a first. I’ve opined on many occasion, observed on more, yet participated on all, and been the recipient of many a situation, circumstance, happening, event, happenstance, over the course of this entertaining ride we’ve been on. But I digress.

When someone takes credit for things, like the work you did, the theories that you disproved, the options you made available, or even the ideas to solve the problems that the company asked you to solve. It kind of burns inside to the point that the diplomacy valve in my brain refuses to engage and function properly. This is not new to me yet seems to be a surprise to some of the people who claim to know me. Go figure.

The thing that was the cause of all of this was the fact that a co-worker not only took credit for my ideas, (a situation that was almost swallowable) until this chucklehead decided to gloat about it in front of me. Great big smile on his face. Are you kidding me? Not only does he stab me in the back, lie to the powers that be, claim my work and ideas, wander among us, and forget who he has either stolen from or screwed over and/or lied to. Oh my fucking God you complete sack of shit.

All I will divulge here in this entry is that in no uncertain terms and that any friendship that may have been pending (and there wasn’t because he is an opportunistic infantile egomaniac) is no longer an option. I can live with that.

I do need to let you know that we did have words. Some good ones. Choice words. And people were in earshot. I was commended in silent by fellow employees.

As it turns out, if you treat people the way that they treat you they seem to get offended. Go figure. My response is “suck it up Alice”. I’m of the opinion that if you truly do not want an honest answer to the query, then by all means, do not, for God’s sake, do not ask me the question.

The truth hurts most people regardless of what they tell you. Consider the source. Those three words are extremely good advice for the party asking or answering “any” query from anyone about anything. Consider the source.