I will attempt to get you caught
up in as little time as I can. But there is a bunch of stuff I would like to
talk about, just to let you know.
This time I must truly apologize
for neglecting my commitment to writing and posting on a regular basis. This
time is different. No really. I was pretty busy. Well, maybe not all of the
time but, most of the time. The rest of
the time. I guess, motivation was a bit of a factor. The reality version? I
just didn’t feel like it. But the majority of the time, I was preoccupied. I am
quite aware that I’ve said things like that before but, this time, there really
was more of the being busy than the not feeling like it. Indulge me enough to explain.
I’m enjoying
being single again, as I have explained previously. It’s really been since, well,
before November but the actual move out happened that month. Lots of changes
and not just my location, but job and residence are the major ones. Lifestyle is
a big change. Finding the time in a day to get everything done that you want
to, is a challenge at best when working 10 to 12 hours a day. My dog Mike will
always be my number one priority. I would rather live in my truck than give up
my best friend. So between working, making sure Mike gets enough exercise, and
everything else that needs to be done within the span of sunrise to sunset, my
day is pretty full most of the time. I do, however, very much enjoy the hikes on
the trails that we take regularly.
The radio
show is going well. Very well actually. I had some t-shirts and business cards
made with the show logo. And yes they are very cool. Just ask anyone that has
one. (Blatant Plug) I’m on the air Saturday nights from 7 pm to 10 pm (my time)
on CJAI.ca 92.1 fm. Yes, you can stream it live. I think that’s why I’ve
neglected writing anything for the last number of months. My concentration has
been focused on the radio show. And for that I am sorry. But I love it, and for
that, I’m not. I program my own show and play what I want. So it boils down to
me playing music I love, and broadcasting it to anyone that will listen. I do a
live video on Facebook every so often as well. You should check it out.
I talked to
my good friend Jason today. Not just a text or email, but an actual phone
conversation. It felt good to hear his voice again after some time. That is
something he and I need to do more often, and it really is my fault that we don’t.
Life is good,
my health is good, and the world, well, it seems to get more fucked up as the
days go on. With Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump in control of their respective
countries, do you really think that your vote still counts? Vote anyway. If nothing
else, it just gives them more data to alter and makes their job harder. I only
say this because of the public outcry. If everybody is so pissed off, and is
against everything that they stand for, then, well, who voted for them in the
first place. Raise your hands proudly. Didn’t think so.
Since when did it become an offence
to offend someone? Feelings get hurt? Suck it up. Why is it my problem that you
have a problem with something? Deal with it. I’m not your Mom, and no, I won’t
clean your room either.
There is so
much more to at least touch on, but that would take many more pages to do so
within this short submission. I will endeavor to do better. Not just on this
and future writings, but on everything. This I wish is everyone’s goal. It will
be, and is, hard for me and for all of you. Do it anyway. Thinking inside of
the box that is thrust upon you is way too easy because you are told what to
think. I say this. Do not think outside of the box they hand you, but take a
stick of dynamite and blow that fucker up. Create your own box and think for
yourself. If nothing else, with all the fake crap being reported, do your
homework, read the entire article, and just think for yourself.
Love your
life and don’t follow blindly.