Thursday, October 29, 2015


          I’ve been going about my days in the usual manner lately and yet seem to be noticing an unusual number of thing that are not quite the norm, or seem to make me wonder just a little bit more about them. Even make me say hmm out loud every once in a while. So with that in mind I felt that it was necessary for me to not keep it to myself any longer. Share the inner torment so to speak. Are you thrilled or what? The anticipation is killing me. I wish I knew what I was about to write. Gawd… it sure would make this whole blog thing just a little bit easier let me tell you. Oh yeah, that’s the point isn’t it. Me telling you some stuff, right? So let’s get on with it shall we?

          Feel free to actually say “hmmm” out loud if you feel the need. And if I did this right, you will. But if you don’t, it won’t be as fun. You see, I've embedded a “thing” to the “stuff” at that “place” that's specifically for the audible enhancement of only those who vocally express their enthusiasm aloud for the included pleasure of all within earshot. No, really, it’s new. I came up with it and it totally works. Trust me. Just do it. So here we go. Try to keep up.

          You go to use the rest room of the local establishment you just happen to be visiting and everything seems normal. Even the décor of the water closet itself is rather fitting and not tacky in the slightest. So you carefully pick your stall. We all have our own routine of what we look for in a commode enclosure, so that plays out as it should. Close the door behind you and latch it. Always latch the door…duh.
          Assuming all is a go, no pun intended, this is where you unbuckle, unhitch, hike up, hoist, drop, slide down, shimmy, or just plain let fall to the floor, whatever clothing that may be encasing your very own personal escape at that time. You decide not to do the hover thing and go for the full cheek plant ordeal. You have already established that it was safe to do so from your initial assessment of the cubicle, so don't start with all this " it clean enough?" business. 

          Now this is where your brain starts to step on the gas pedal. You did not see anyone coming out of the wash room prior to your entrance, nor did you notice anyone go in before you. It was a clear solo shot all the way in. Yet...the seat is warm. 


Friday, October 23, 2015

Feel Good Stuff

          I’m feeling pretty good about things lately because of a number of different people, as well as events transpiring in my life within the past, not so little while.
          I’ve been on a gradual return to work program with my employer for the last couple of months that I’m rather grateful they have accepted. This schedule basically laid out my eventual and return to full duties as a productive member of the company. Not to mention the physiotherapy that I went through to be able to accomplish this at all. Thank you Justin, Katherine and, on occasion, Sebastian. Without your help this would never be possible. I am forever in your debt. As long as it doesn’t cost too much…or last longer than a week. These things need a limit and expiry date after all. Just kidding. I still need to bring you cookies.

          This may not sound like much, but after three months shy of two years of not being physically capable of doing very much of anything, the ability, or the coaching to regain that ability becomes paramount. I don’t think I could be more grateful.

          For those who have read the earlier posts, I feel no need to explain what I’m talking about. For those who don’t, Google it or read some of the earlier entries that are about pain and stuff that refer to the whole Cancer thing. Then again I may just write more about that stuff some other time. Ooooooh the suspense is killing me.

          So back to me!
Like I said, it has felt really good to be able to return to my active job as it was. And as I had mentioned, don’t make me keep repeating myself, that it’s been so long since I was capable, physically and mentally that I may elaborate on this at a later date but  let’s all just say that it feels really good to feel normal again. Oh my god it feels good. I can do the stuff once more that I used to.

          Not sure how to pull this off in literary, but I felt so good to be back in action, so to speak, that I felt a need to pay it forward…again…a few times actually. No, not all in the same day either, but, over the course of a couple of weeks. I said that I felt good, not foolish. That’s right folks, I went ahead and let some stranger that was doing their job, mundane or not, know that I was appreciative of what they did for me.
          There was this one security officer, and not the same one I wrote about before, that was always at his post or position to monitor the flow of personnel entering the facility. Not a bad gig unless it’s raining, or cold, like it was. So then you get a good look at the guy and realize he’s not a coffee drinker. Yup, you can tell this about a person from seeing them a few times. This one would prefer a hot chocolate instead. As it turned out it was his favorite. Mission accomplished.

          Next was a young couple hitchhiking. They had a cardboard sign that proclaimed their intention yet they looked hungry…and broke. Believe me I know what broke looks like. I was a hitchhiker once upon a time also. Through the Everglades on one trek. But I digress. They had taken refuge or respite under a tree near a local food establishment. A sandwich, soup and drink combo seemed to be just what they each needed as they expressed their extreme gratitude for it.

          Thirdly was a gentleman I encountered while working. I happened to be within a close proximity while he was counting his change to see if he actually had the proper amount of money for the coffee he was about to order. This was a situation in need. Before he was able to finish counting, I had presented sufficient funds to cover it. I had a gift card for the place anyway. I always have a loaded gift card for this place, but that’s another story. He was overly grateful and exclaimed that nobody had ever done that for him before. My answer? High time somebody did.

          I tell you these encounters not for personal recognition in any way whatsoever. If I were looking for any kind of “atta boy”, I would’ve filmed it and posted it on FaceTube or YouBook or something.

          I write about this stuff in hope that others may begin to acknowledge the fact that others may just need the slightest effort from someone, anyone throughout there day, to brighten it ever so much.